Compuware extends APMaaS Platform with dynaTrace Real User Monitoring

Compuware Corporation has announced the convergence of dynaTrace PurePath® Technology and the Gomez Performance Network, creating the industry’s most powerful User Experience Management (UEM) solution.

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Emulex unterstützt neue Cisco MDS Storage Switches mit 16Gb Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters - Optimierte virtuelle und Cloud-Installationen

Emulex hat den Cisco MDS 9710 Multilayer Director für den Einsatz mit den Emulex LightPulse 16Gb Fibre Channel (16GFC) Host Bus Adapters (HBAs) zertifiziert. Dank der Kombination der Emulex 16GFC HBAs und Cisco Speicherlösungen erhalten Kunden eine Storage Area Network (SAN)-Lösung mit innovativen Management-Funktionen, die für mehr SAN-Effizienz und vereinfachte Datensicherheit sorgt

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Führendes Marktforschungsunternehmen stuft IPsoft als Cool Vendor ein

Die im "Cool Vendor"-Report gelisteten Unternehmen bieten innovative und herausragende Lösungen

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Mobile Applikationen: das Sorgenkind der Unternehmens-IT

Fünf Monate dauert es im Schnitt, bis ein Unternehmen seine mobilen Applikationen auf neue Software-Versionen mobiler Endgeräte angepasst hat. So lautet das niederschmetternde Ergebnis einer von Vanson Bourne durchgeführten Untersuchung.

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Cloud security turns off 92% of IT decision makers

The fear of security threats is preventing 92% of IT decision makers from adopting the cloud, according to an infographic released today by global web hosting company PEER 1 Hosting. The infographic, based on the results of a survey of 120 IT professionals, revealed a number of concerns when weighing up the cost of the cloud.

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Storage vendor welcomes Shahar Bar-Or to take the helm of product and continue growth trajectory.
Agilitas launches ‘EVOLVE for Your People’ Report.
The new program offers robust protection across all five data risk categories: cyber, human,...
Exos X20 and IronWolf Pro 20TB CMR-based HDDs help organizations maximize the value of data.
As mainframe modernization and hybrid cloud adoption takes on increasing importance, IT leaders...
Enhanced protection with Veeam against million-dollar ransomware attacks on backup data.
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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