Bilstein-Gruppe wählt HP für den Umstieg auf einheitliches SAP-System

HPs Enterprise Applications Services für SAP verbessern Transparenz, Flexibilität, Agilität und Integrität des Stahlherstellers

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Toshiba stellt neue SAS-Enterprise-SSDs für leseintensive Anwendungen vor

Toshiba Electronics Europe bringt mit der PX03SNx-Reihe neue Enterprise Solid State Drives (eSSDs) auf den Markt, die für das größtmögliche Spektrum leseintensiver Anwendungen konzipiert sind

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Acronis investiert 10 Millionen US-Dollar in Forschungs- und Entwicklungszentrum Acronis Labs für Datensicherungstechnologien

Acronis®  hat heute bekannt gegeben, 10 Millionen US-Dollar in die Forschungs- und Entwicklungsinitiative Acronis Labs zu investieren, um den wachsenden Herausforderungen in Verbindung mit Cloud Services, Big Data, Archivierung und Mobility gerecht zu werden.

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Acronis launches $10 million R&D centre

Acronis Labs to focus on driving innovations in cloud technologies, storage, backup and access.

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Cohesityhas expanded its security offerings with the release of Cohesity CyberScan, a new...
AMD is pleased to be taking part in the inauguration of the “Hawk” supercomputer at the...
With the Docker certification, NetBackup rounds up its extensive coverage of modern new workloads...
DigitalOcean introduces the next evolution of Backups to help prevent data disruption and protect...
INFINIDAT has announced enhancements of its InfiniBox® software. These enhancements offer...
New WorkloadWisdom release introduces NVMe workload modelling and integration with SANBlaze...
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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