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Unternehmen müssen für eine vorgeschriebene Zeit revisionsfähig sein – unabhängig von Branche und Arbeitsbereich. Daten zu Geschäftstätigkeit müssen archiviert werden. Das Wissensmanagement ist auf eine geordnete Dokumentation der Prozesse und Verfahren angewiesen. Dies ist schon seit hunderten von Jahren so, doch im digitalen Zeitalter sind dafür neue Methoden erforderlich, die Aufbewahrung effizient zu gestalten. Spezialanbieter für Hard- und...

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University of Oslo selects Hitachi Data Systems, QStar and Spectra Logic

Spectra Logic and QStar Technologies have announced that the University of Oslo has selected a Spectra Logic T-Finity coupled with QStar’s Archive Manager 6.0 to upgrade its storage systems as part of the NorStore project, where the country’s research community benefits from a government-funded storage infrastructure. With a requirement for 24/7, easy access to large volumes of scientific data, storage reliability is paramount to the University.

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inexio and Axians deploy ADVA 100G Metro

inexio has deployed the ADVA 100G Metro for regional connectivity in Germany and Luxembourg. Operating one of Europe's fastest growing networks, inexio is harnessing the ADVA 100G Metro to respond to significant bandwidth growth from both its enterprise and residential customers. A long-standing customer of ADVA Optical Networking and Axians, inexio has benefited from the native scalability of the ADVA FSP 3000, gradually expanding its network infrastructure with customer demand. With over...

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Capgemini and Pivotal announce strategic partnership

Strategic partnership formed to support co-innovation. First area of focus is the ‘Business Data Lake’ a new approach to data access and analytics. Capgemini and Pivotal, the software company at the intersection of big data, PaaS and agile application development, have announced a new strategic partnership. The partnership will combine Capgemini’s expertise in business solutions for big data and analytics with Pivotal’s market leading data platform technologies to...

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Mobile impacts on the mainframe

Compuware Corporation has announced the results of a global CIO survey on the impact of new technologies and trends on the mainframe application environment. The survey found mobile technology is increasing complexity, usage and costs of mainframe applications. As a result, companies are finding it more difficult to isolate and fix problems. Nearly 90 percent of CIOs said they are using outdated transaction monitoring practices that don’t provide visibility into how distributed and...

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NOVOMATIC Italia, which develops and markets gaming products, has successfully upgraded its...
Qumulo has expanded the availability of its acclaimed hybrid file software with new global...
Redesigned portal delivers an enhanced Content Hub, marketing automation tools, and easier...
ServiceNow and NVIDIA have announced a partnership to develop powerful, enterprise-grade generative...
Intel has introduced its new 10th Gen Intel® Core™ vPro® processors, built to power the next...
Western Digital is combining a new nine-disk platform and energy-assisted recording to deliver the...
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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