Fusion-io acquires NexGen Storage

Fusion-io, Inc. has acquired Colorado-based NexGen Storage. NexGen is a leading developer of hybrid storage appliances based on Fusion ioMemory for small to medium enterprises (SMEs).

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Quantum Deduplizierungsappliance ersetzt überlastete Backuplösung bei asecos

Der Hersteller von Sicherungsschränken asecos GmbH bringt mit der Quantum Deduplizierungsappliance DXi6701 die Sicherheit zurück in den Backup-Prozess

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Hoffmann Group sichert weltweites Know-how mit NSB - Das Werkzeughandelsunternehmen implementiert leistungsstarke, zentral-administrierbare Backup- und Recovery-Lösung von NetApp und Syncsort für die Datensicherung an allen weltwei

Die Hoffmann Group ist Europas führender Systempartner für professionelle Qualitätswerkzeuge mit Sitz in München. Das im Jahr 1919 gegründete Traditionsunternehmen ist in 47 Ländern weltweit tätig. Der konsolidierte Umsatz betrug im Jahr 2011 912 Millionen Euro. Weltweit beschäftigt die Hoffmann Group rund 2.200 Mitarbeiter und bedient eine Vielzahl von Märkten wie den Werkzeug-, Maschinen- und Anlagenbau. Zu den Kunden zählen zahlreiche...

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Cisco ‘raises the bar for Storage Networking

As trends such as cloud computing, Big Data, and the Internet of Things generate rapidly increasing amounts of data for organisations and users to process and store, IT functions face an ever-increasing demand for better data storage systems capable of coping with these trends. To help them, Cisco has announced new solutions for storage area networks (SANs) that deliver higher performance, scalability and reliability than other competing systems. The new solutions include the Cisco® MDS...

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Exponential-e offers scalable object-based storage that guarantees data sovereignty at a fraction...
De Goudse, a leading Dutch provider of a wide range of financial products and insurance, uses...
Headwaters Group says that Zadara’s award-winning Virtual Private Storage Array™ (VPSA™)...
Unitrends and Unitrends MSP have introduced Unitrends version 10.3 software for Recovery Series...
Veeam® Software has announced accelerated company success in the enterprise market, proving...
The early bird registration period for the 29th annual International Supercomputing Conference will...
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How Clifton College solved its data backup problems

Clifton College is one of the UK’s leading co-educational independent schools. Cristie Data provides the Bristol-based private school with a fully managed, scalable and reliable cloud backup solution that protects pupil data and can easily scale to meet future data growth.

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