Ein Kunde eines Elektronikmarktes findet drei Jahre nach dem Kauf eines Laptops persönliche Daten des Vorbesitzers auf der Festplatte. Nun wird vor Gericht verhandelt, wer für die Datenpanne zur Verantwortung gezogen werden kann. Der Fall zeigt eins: Um Daten auf einem elektronischen Speichermedium unwiderruflich zu löschen, reicht es nicht aus, das Gerät in den Werkzustand zurückzuversetzen. Entscheidend ist vielmehr die Verwendung einer speziellen...
Read MoreWachsende Datenmengen erfordern weitergehende Backup-Maßnahmen
Read MoreAddressing the needs of organizations to simplify IT, VMware, Inc. has announced a wave of new products and services designed to help IT accelerate their adoption of a software-defined data center architecture and take advantage of the value of advanced virtualization in areas such as networking and security, storage and availability, and management and automation. The news was unveiled at the company's 10th annual VMworld® in San Francisco, where more than 22,000 attendees saw...
Read MoreContent filtering, DNS and remote access top cloud networking services used by IT professionals.
Read MoreMcAfee has announced a new version of its data centre security solution.
Read MoreBrocade has collaborated with VMware to develop a new management pack that enables enterprises to proactively manage Fibre Channel storage area networks (SANs) operating within highly virtualized environments to lower operational costs and increase application availability.
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