Tech Data Azlan Österreich vertreibt DataCore SANsymphony-V: Vertriebspartnerschaft für den österreichischen Markt

DataCore Software, führender Anbieter für Speichervirtualisierung und Storage-Hypervisor-Software, hat mit Tech Data Azlan Österreich einen Distributionsvertrag geschlossen. Der Value Added Distributor vertreibt ab sofort die führende Speichervirtualisierungssoftware SANsymphony™-V sowie den DataCore Virtual Desktop Server (VDS) für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen. Durch die Kooperation können Partner, Reseller und Systemhäuser,...

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Toshiba präsentiert neues TV-Festplattenkit mit 1 TB Speicher

Die Storage Peripheral Division der Toshiba Europe GmbH (TEG) erweitert ihr Portfolio externer Festplattenlösungen um das STOR.E ALU TV KIT mit 1 TB Speicherkapazität. Die "Plug and Play"-Lösung ermöglicht eine einfache und schnelle Aufzeichnung von TV-Programmen

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Ovum reveals process optimization and shared services now take priority over outsourcing

Global outsourcing market revenue will grow just four percent by 2014, predicts Ovum, reaffirming the view that outsourcing is no longer perceived as the main tool that IT has to fend off the recession. Instead, process optimization and shared services are now regarded as higher priorities.

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FailProof Technology Inc. selects Flexiant

Canadian cloud solution provider selects Flexiant Cloud Orchestrator because of its billing flexibility, openness to support its business model and future product plans and vision.

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Opens office in Guernsey.
IT services provider Ocean Intelligent Communications and central London data centre City Lifeline...
Red Hat Ceph Storage and Red Hat Gluster Storage open software-defined storage products offer...
Consolidation of three year industry research program with MIT Center for Digital Business and...
Unveils its disaster avoidance roadmap to the first, affordable near-zero data loss disaster...
Acquisition delivers data integration, business analytics expertise, and foundational technologies...
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Modernising Oracle with converged infrastructure

Customers who adopt Dell EMC VxBlock technology experienced 99% less planned and unplanned downtime according to a study by IDC.

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