TIM AG: Enterprise Security Lösungen von Symantec wieder im Portfolio

Ab April 2014 können Systemhauspartner wieder das gesamte Symantec Portfolio über den Value Added Distributor TIM AG beziehen. Das bedeutet, dass mit Beginn des neuen Symantec Geschäftsjahres die gewohnten TIM-Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten nun auch wieder im Symantec Enterprise Security Bereich angeboten werden können

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Windows XP - ein alter Hut? Nicht für die Politik

"Never change a running system" - Anwender, die noch Windows XP (und übrigens auch MS Office 2003) einsetzen, sollten sich schleunigst von dieser Handlungsanweisung, die eigentlich so viel Wahres enthält, verabschieden

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Government surveillance is driving a third of organizations away from the Cloud

A third of IT security professionals do not keep corporate data in the cloud because of fear of government snooping, with the majority of them preferring to store sensitive corporate data within their own networks, a new survey from privileged identity management vendor Lieberman Software Corporation reveals.

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European Commission selects HP

Confidential, compliant cloud project coordinated by HP will help making Europe a single market for cloud computing.

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Germany will overtake the United Kingdom as largest EMEA managed security services market by 2018.
Leading UK cloud services provider reduces storage deployment time and lowers latency, improving...
Abiquo has announced the latest edition of its award winning Cloud management platform; Abiquo...
Acronis activEcho 3.0 und Acronis mobilEcho 5.0 bieten der IT die nötige Kontrolle über...
Qumulo, a leader in enterprise-proven hybrid cloud file storage, collaborates with global...
Multiple projects over three to five years include investments in education and skills initiatives,...
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Modernising Oracle with converged infrastructure

Customers who adopt Dell EMC VxBlock technology experienced 99% less planned and unplanned downtime according to a study by IDC.

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