Dimension Data is SAP-Certified

Dimension Data is now a SAP-certified global provider of cloud and hosting services for SAP® solutions. Dimension Data also released a set of pre-configured cloud server images that makes it easy, safe and cost-effective to provision an environment of SAP solutions. With Dimension Data’s cloud server images for the SAP ERP application available for its cloud clients, users can, in most cases, have a new cloud server operational on Dimension Data’s Managed Cloud Platform (MCP)...

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Studie von Silver Peak: Backup und Recovery haben für Unternehmen hohe Priorität - Organisationen stufen Daten als erfolgskritische Ressource ein

Nach Angaben von Silver Peak, einem führenden Anbieter von Software, mit der sich Daten schnell, effizient und sicher über große Entfernungen übermitteln lassen, stufen Unternehmen das Sichern und Wiederherstellen von Daten in den kommenden zwölf Monaten als zweit wichtigste Aktivität im Bereich IT ein

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VMware vForum 2014: Eaton zeigt Power-Management für die Cloud  

Eatons USV-Überwachungslösung "Intelligent Power Manager" schafft eine nahtlose Verbindung zwischen Virtualisierung und Stromversorgung 

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Thecus® NAS unterstützt neue Seagate 6 TB Festplatten

Neue Seagate Festplatten für Unternehmen mit allen Thecus NAS-Modellen kompatibel

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An Elastic Cloud

EMC Corporation has announced the EMC ECS (Elastic Cloud Storage) Appliance (formerly known as “Project Nile”), a breakthrough hyperscale cloud storage infrastructure that redefines the economic benefits of cloud storage for service providers and customers of any size, in any industry.

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Allied Telesis predicts that management, security and optimization of infrastructures will be the...
Launch of O365Connect gives significant operational and economic benefits to SMB IT.
Best-in-Class and award-winning NVMe-over-Fabric solutions now available at Zstor.
Bristol’s 432,000 residents rely on Bristol City Council for a variety of public services,...
NetApp and Google Cloud help customers unlock the power of data with tightly integrated,...
First-in-industry xCORE Data Acceleration, eCORE Control Engine technologies work seamlessly with...
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Modernising Oracle with converged infrastructure

Customers who adopt Dell EMC VxBlock technology experienced 99% less planned and unplanned downtime according to a study by IDC.

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