Adds enhanced security, database support and customisation capabilities to industry-leading file transfer server.
Read MoreTrustwave has opened a new Security Operations Center (SOC) in Manila, the capital of the Philippines, to meet client needs and support the growth of Trustwave’s Managed Security Services. The new Security Operations Center enhances Trustwave’s ability to serve clients headquartered in Asia Pacific, in addition to large, multinational businesses with operations in the region.
Read MoreEndgeräte mit Kupferleitungen können dank der neuen Lösung über Glasfasernetze kommunizieren
Read MoreCommenting on a New York Times story about the governance issues that portable devices and their leaky apps create for companies, Varonis Systems says that mobile access to cloud-based data - and replication to the device itself - has become the new corporate norm. “Organisations are losing track of where their critical data is stored, so controlling, monitoring and auditing that data is becoming more and more difficult. IT must be able to offer the functionality that its end users need...
Read MoreUmfrage von Acronis: Unternehmen setzen zunehmend auf Cloud-Storage, da Bandsicherungen oft zu fehlerhaft sind
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