CloudPhysics offers free Datacenter Insights Report

CloudPhysics has announced a free Datacenter Insights Report, produced by CloudPhysics data scientists, that exposes where operational hazards lurk in an organization's IT infrastructure, jeopardizing the health and safety of the datacenter. The Datacenter Insights Report is available to any organization running VMware vSphere 4.1 and above. The company also released a free "Halloween Cookbook" that compiles tips and tricks for using its analytics to rid the datacenter of hazards...

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Ransomware showed massive year-to-date spikes in the U.S. (185%), U.K. (144%).
Zerto has introduced Zerto 9, significantly advancing its capabilities in the fight against...
Wer zum Arzt geht, der muss vertrauen: In erster Linie in die Kompetenz und Professionalität...
Proofpoint has published its annual Human Factor report findings, which details how cyberattackers...
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Thirty per cent of respondents admit to using unencrypted devices according to latest Apricorn poll.
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