IoT devices increasingly used to carry out DDoS attacks

Symantec has revealed new research demonstrating how cybercriminal networks are taking advantage of lax Internet of Things (IoT) device security to spread malware and create zombie networks, or botnets, unbeknownst to their device owners.

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Smart cyber attacks pose public safety threat

Eighty-eight percent of state and local government IT professionals are concerned about cyber attacks targeting critical city infrastructure.

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Cyber security rises to the top of the boardroom agenda

Cyber security is now considered to be an executive responsibility, with 54% of CEOs in European companies taking responsibility for it, according to new research from Lloyd’s, the specialist insurance and reinsurance market.

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One in five businesses don’t test for security vulnerabilities

Osterman Research and Trustwave have released a new report that shows many businesses fail to conduct frequent security testing despite believing that it’s critically important to securing their systems and data. Shockingly, one in five of businesses surveyed for the report admitted they don’t do any security testing, despite the fact that 95 percent of survey respondents reported encountering one of the dozen common security issues associated with security vulnerabilities.

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he Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating the growth of Linux and...
Panda Security’s new solution allows admin to set URL filtering time limits, ensure employee...
Nearly 70% of SMBs have not identified and documented cybersecurity threats.
Study finds only 35 percent of businesses can quickly detect security breaches and 58 percent store...
Think of cyber attacks and the chances are computer hacking will be the first, and possibly only,...
Dramatische Zunahme von hochvolumigen DDoS-Angriffen, APTs und Angriffen auf mobile Netzwerke
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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