Digital workplace survey – poor communication is reducing staff productivity

A major digital workplace survey of senior IT executives - across 100 medium to large organiastions, reveals that 80% believe poor internal communication negatively impacts on staff productivity across the digital workplace. The survey, conducted by bluesource, also indicates that 70% think that current internal communication systems are preventing employees talking and collaborating effectively.

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South Gloucestershire selects Civica Digital as transformation partner

New contract with Civica Digital will help boost customer satisfaction and future-proof the council.

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The Perfect Storm – digital, data, and changing business models

By David Clamp, Managing Director, Merlin Digital Consulting Ltd.

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Self-service and AI are redefining how consumers view customer service

Two-thirds (66%) of UK consumers would choose text-based channels over speaking with a live person on the phone when it comes to customer service.

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Inertia threatens digital change

A new report released by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services in association with DXC Technology, reveals that companies expect pressures from digital technology disruption to accelerate and intensify, yet worry that organizational inertia and resistance to change will hold them back.

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Digital platform offers Robotic Process Automation as a Service

DXC Technology has launched DXC Agile Process Automation (APA), a new digital platform that combines cloud and robotic process automation (RPA) with embedded artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance a company’s business processes.

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67% of IT decision-makers believe supply chain issues in the UK will remain the same or worsen in...
The new collaboration will focus on alignment around joint customers’ cloud journeys and...
78% of IT decision makers (ITDMs) state that their company provides the right technology to enable...
Latest in series of acquisitions grows Cognizant's U.S. software product engineering talent base;...
Competing priorities and skills shortages in IoT, AI/ML data science and robotics undermine...
Research from HR platform e-days shows 60% of us are reluctant or unsure about returning to the...
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Huawei Agile Solution Improves Jumeirah Group

Huawei helps the Jumeirah Group build a robust and agile IT department to support the rapid business expansion of the group.

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