Neu bei Fast Lane: Oracle Database 12c-Trainings

Die Cloud bietet Unternehmen ohne Zweifel viele Vorteile. Diese zu kennen ist das eine; sie zu nutzen das andere. Die Lösung Oracle Database 12c ermöglicht Firmen durch das Konsolidieren von Datenbanken wesentlich schnellere Arbeitsabläufe in der „Wolke“

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Nicht nur Website-Hosting: Managed VPS bietet zahlreiche Vorteile - von Christiane Aumeier, Senior Manager Marketing & PR Europe bei Verio Europe

Webhosting-Lösungen gibt es in verschiedenen Varianten für unterschiedliche Anwendungsfälle und Zielgruppen. Die Angebote reichen von Shared Hosting über Managed Virtual Private Server bis hin zu Dedicated-Server-Lösungen. Viele Unternehmen entscheiden sich für eine Dedicated-Server-Variante, dabei ist eine solche Lösung für viele Firmen völlig überdimensioniert und zudem zu teuer. Eine performante Alternative sind gemanagte virtuelle Server,...

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Node4 drives growth for Motorpoint through cloud

Motorpoint, the UK’s leading online car retailer has positioned itself for further growth after enhancing its IT services. Motorpoint called on data centre and communications company Node4 to implement a cloud-based infrastructure to assist them in becoming more agile as they looked to expand their number of branches across the country rapidly.

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Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service offering is powered by Zerto Virtual Replication technology

Kelway announces the release of ServiceWorks Assure, a highly scalable cloud based Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service (DRaaS) solution. ServiceWorks Assure provides businesses with the ability to securely and efficiently replicate their VMware based server workloads to Kelway’s ServiceWorks Compute cloud infrastructure, which is hosted in Kelway’s UK-based datacentres.

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Fit appliances for DR in the cloud

IceWEB Storage has an answer to building disaster recovery solutions in the cloud – Unified Data Storage appliances

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Hosting the world’s most comprehensive set of freely available and up-to-date molecular data...
Organizations use of cloud is moving to the next level of maturity, spurring adoption of a...
Rackspace increases footprint in German and Northern Europe markets to provide greater local...
Enterprises in Germany are looking for service providers to help them use Amazon Web Services (AWS)...
HP Energy Management Pack targeted at utility vertical leverages Platform to connect, analyze and...
John Hall, Managing Director of Proximity Data Centres, explains why coronavirus is driving the...
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Solve 2015: London - Andy Williams, Rackspace

Solve London - How Great Support Matters in a SaaS World.

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