Industry remains highly concerned that a dominant vendor should never be allowed to have control of a generic industry term such as cloud. Earlier this year ICANN started the process of reviewing thousands of generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs) applications across varied industries. One of those was .cloud. Three global brands – Google, Symantec and Amazon – applied for that domain as a closed registry, meaning that the applicant would be the sole registrar and registrant with...
Read MoreSolution leverages Epsilon’s global network exchange, powered by BTI Systems.
Read MoreA small group of vendors, most of which work at the bleeding edge of networking software development, are behind a new consortium seeking to make cloud an open source, collaboratively multi-vendor entity
Read MoreA survey by IT Governance has highlighted a glaring failing on the part of many IT vendor boardrooms – they seem not to care too much about ensuring their own levels of governance and compliance to standards like ISO/IEC 27001
Read MoreSRA needs to look north in light of growing cloud adoption.
Read MoreCloud services provider confirmed as accredited supplier.
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