Phil Alsop, Editor of Digitalisation World talks to Bridgeworks
Watch OnlinePhil Alsop, Editor of Datacentre Solutions talks to i3 Solutions
Watch OnlinePhil Alsop, Editor of Digitalisation World talks to ExaGrid.
Watch OnlineDatacentre Solutions talks to Johnson Controls
Watch OnlineDCS talks to Rob Mather, Solutions Director at Power Control Ltd, looking at the role of UPS systems within the data centre. The conversation focuses on energy efficiency, with demand response, peak shaving, lithium-ion batteries and hydrogen fuel cells in the spotlight. Rob finishes with some valuable advice for organisations looking to purchase UPS technology.
Watch OnlineDigitalisation World talks to Neville Louzado, Head of Sales at Hyve Managed Hosting. Taking the impact of the pandemic as a starting point, the conversation ranges far and wide across cloud, security, 5G and the edge, HPC and AI, and sustainability.
Watch OnlinePhil Alsop, Editor of DCS Solutions talks to Green Mountain DCS catches up with Tor Kristian Gyland, Chief Executive Officer of colocation provider Green Mountain, to see how the opening of the company’s third data centre has gone to date, as the starting point for an entertaining and informative conversation focusing on key data centre industry issues. These include: sustainability, the pandemic impact, what to expect from 5G, IoT and the edge, and the skills situation.
Watch OnlineDatacentre Solutions Magazine talks to Jim Hart, CEO of BCS Integrated Solutions, focusing on the company’s recently published summer report, where disaster recovery plans and data centre trends come under the spotlight.
Watch OnlineDCS looks ahead to 2021 with Jim Hart, CEO, and Stephen Whatling, Chairman, Business Critical Solutions (BCS). Energy efficiency and sustainability, edge, investment, Brexit and skills are amongst the topics discussed.
Watch OnlinePhil Alsop talks with Steve Carlini, Schneider Electric
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