Oxford Quantum Circuits partners with Cyxtera

OQC to launch first commercial quantum computer in a colocation data centre.

Oxford Quantum Circuits (OQC), one of Europe’s leading quantum computing companies, and Cyxtera, a global leader in data center colocation and interconnection services, have revealed that customers will soon have access to quantum computing-as-a-service via Cyxtera’s Reading Data Center Campus LHR3.


This partnership will mark the world’s first integration of a quantum computer in a colocation data center. Customers throughout Cyxtera’s U.K. data centers will be able to access OQC’s quantum computer via the Cyxtera Digital Exchange, dramatically reducing latency times for quantum algorithms and use cases.


“For quantum computing to be genuinely accessible and fully realize its potential as a technology, it must seamlessly integrate within a businesses’ current computing and data management infrastructure. At this stage, it simply cannot work in isolation. Thanks to this pioneering partnership, we will give Cyxtera’s customers direct access to our latest quantum computer—within their data centers, at the click of a button—without making any changes to their operations,” said Dr. Ilana Wisby, Chief Executive Officer, OQC.


Today, the vast majority of quantum computers are accessible “as a service” via the public cloud, or via a private cloud, like OQC’s own cloud. By providing access directly within a Cyxtera data center, OQC will make quantum computing even more accessible and reduce the locality and proximity challenges typically associated with the distance between classical applications and the quantum computer.


This deployment marks a significant step in moving quantum computing from a “lab” environment into a fully managed, industry-ready environment with the security, interconnectivity, network bandwidth, and redundant infrastructure that will be needed as the technology matures.


OQC selected Cyxtera due to the company’s vision for making innovative technologies more accessible, as well as its ability to easily connect OQC’s quantum-as-a-service platform to multiple customers and to accommodate unique hosting requirements, such as cryogenic systems.


“Quantum computing will enable organizations across a wide range of industries to access unprecedented calculation speed and deeper analytical capabilities,” said Randy Rowland, Chief Operating Officer, Cyxtera. “We’re thrilled to partner with OQC, providing our customers access to the U.K.’s most advanced quantum computing platform.”

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