Anadolu is a public university in Eski?ehir, a city in North West Turkey, and the second largest university in the world by enrollment. Anadolu University was created in 1982 when four existing higher education institutes in Eski?ehir merged. Cem Sevik, a Professor from the Faculty of Engineering at Anadolu University approached Eduline with the requirement to create a new HPC environment that would be robust enough to carry out his scientific research project. With no clustered systems available at the university, Professor Sevik had secured funding from the Anadolu University, to build a system with enough compute power to support his ground-breaking research. Eduline created an HPC environment based on Dell hardware, and once again, Eduline chose the Bright infrastructure management solution to centralise the provisioning, monitoring and management of all clusters, from a single user interface. The Eduline professional services team took responsibility for the design, build and deployment of the HPC InfiniBand project.