In an evolution of the remote peering and connectivity business model that IX Reach founded its success on, the innovative carrier provider is now offering a similar network service to connect customers remotely to cloud providers, and a more diverse range of partners, including the Equinix Cloud Exchange. By enabling many global IBX® data centres across IX Reach’s network, customers will now have the option to connect their equipment between multiple Equinix locations on a global scale.
IX Reach’s remote connectivity solutions enable ISPs, carriers and enterprises to build simple, yet robust, high-speed connections into cloud platforms, Internet Exchanges and new markets, at a fraction of the usual costs involved, and with much less hassle. It’s their Ethernet and DWDM capable Metro network in Amsterdam, Frankfurt, London, New York and Paris, in particular, that will provide a more extensive choice of locations for network operators to seamlessly, access the Equinix Cloud Exchange.