Q Biggest influence?
A Inspiring teachers at my high schools
and the first manager in my career, who
showed me how to be professional
without forgetting your human side.
Q Most valuable lesson learnt?
A Think before moving – remember there
should be some brain between your
ears and your hands.
Q One company to watch (other than
your own)?
A Any company operating in
nanotechnologies – a new ‘material’ for
day-to-day applications.
Q Staycation or exotic location?
A My work has taken me all over Europe
and sometimes to Middle East, Africa
and US so I’ve visited a lot of wonderful
locations… but my first choice is always
Italy, where I live. Everyone likes
spending holidays here, so I guess
staycation if I can include the whole
Q A book, a movie or the TV?
A All of them (even on my iPad).
Q Shirt and tie or dress down?
A Smart casual wherever appropriate,
much better than an empty suit.
Q Sport - spectator or participator?
A Having played tennis for 20 years, from
the age of seven, I confess these days
I enjoy being lazy and prefer watching,
especially Wimbledon.
Q Your three desert island music choices?
A Pink Floyd, Ben Harper, Mozart.
Q Guess who’s coming to dinner – your
five guests, (real/fictional characters)?
A Albert (Yes!) Einstein, Gino Strada (the
founder of Emergency), Roger Federer,
Marc Chagall, Robin Williams.
Q You’re hero or heroine alive and well?
A Mohammad Yanus, winner of the
Nobel Peace Prize in 2006, founder
of the Grameen Bank and pioneer of
microcredit and microfinance.
Q What’s the point of IT?
A Being 10 times busier than you were
10 years ago, as everyone can call you
on your mobile, on your fixed phone,
Skype you, SMS, WhatsApp, maybe
an email…? But also enabling global
collaboration, sharing of ideas, getting
information about anything anywhere
and getting easily in touch with your
dearest wherever you are.
Q When it comes to energy resources
(for data centres/IT) is the glass half-
empty or half-full?
A Not just for DC/IT, there’s still much to
do; power savings means money
savings and lower carbon footprint
for everyone.
Q Bring Your Own Device or Bring Your
Own Disaster (waiting to happen at
some point in the future)?
A Bring your own device if you wish,
but please let our IT department define
the engagement rules.