Q Biggest influence?
A Richard Branson because of his drive
and desire to succeed in everything he
Q Most valuable lesson learnt?
A Be honest and tell it how it is, whatever
the outcome may be.
Q Staycation or exotic location?
A Exotic location. The Maldives – not
been yet, but it’s on my list.
Q If you weren’t an IT exec, what would you like to be?
A I dreamed of being a professional
footballer and scoring the winning
goal in the FA Cup final as a young lad
- I have played in the FA Cup but never
got to the final. In reality, maybe a
policeman or a fireman.
Q In charge for the day, what world
problem would you address?
A Cancer.
Q Shirt and tie or dress down?
A As my job requires me to be suited and
booted during the day, most evenings
I’m straight into my gym or football kit.
Q Sport - spectator or participator?
A I love watching football and golf and
playing both.
Q Your three desert island disc choices?
A Time – Chase and Status, Happy –
Pharrell Williams, Lovers in the sun -
David Guetta
Q Guess who’s coming to dinner – your
five guests, (real or fictional characters)?
A Bobby Moore
Hugh Jackman
Richard Branson
Mohammad Ali
Q Going out or staying in?
A Now having a family we mostly stay in,
though we do grab the odd night out
when the kids are with their
Q Your hero or heroine from history?
A Bobby Moore – 1966 World Cup
winning captain
Q Your hero or heroine alive and well?
A Richard Branson - his vision to improve
and push boundaries is inspiring
Q What’s the point of IT?
A To bring the people of world closer
together, quicker
Q When it comes to energy resources
(for data centres/IT) is the glass half-
empty or half-full?
A Half full - despite being energy
consumers, there’s plenty of positive
work being done around the use of
renewable energy sources in DCs
especially with new technologies being
introduced on a regular basis.
Q Where does the time machine take you
and why?
A I have a number of things I would like
to go back for ….but as a big football
fan it would be to attend that 1966
World Cup Final and video it in HD.
Q Bring Your Own Device or Bring Your
Own Disaster (waiting to happen at
some point in the future)?
A Bring Your Own Device – people want
to be free to use the laptops and
mobile devices they’re comfortable
with at home for work as well, rather
than being dictated to be their IT