VAPAWALL can be used in data centres environments delivering low cost reliable evaporative cooling or in an air conditioning environment to provide humidification and supplement mechanical chillers for new installations as well as retro-fit or refurbishments.
Evaporative cooling systems have low running costs as they draw less power to provide fresh natural cooling using water, than a refrigeration system. As warm air passes over the wet filter cassettes, water naturally evaporates into the air and the air is cooled as it releases the heat required to evaporate the water.
Due to its cassette based modular construction, VAPAWALL can be built to suit any air handler.
The ‘wetted media’ cassettes used in VapaWall are constructed of inorganic material supported above a stainless steel water tank by a rigid frame.
Water flows down the corrugated surface of the cassettes and the dry air passing through the material picks up the water vapour which raises humidity levels whilst consuming little energy.
The supply of water into the tank is controlled automatically via a solenoid inlet valve and optional inlet filters, with a proportion of the water drained away to restrict the level of mineral concentration.
With an electrical energy load of just a few hundred watts, depending on the design, the application can be almost carbon neutral.
Energy saving
Low maintenance
Modular design
Small carbon footprint
Control panel
Multiple stages of operation to maximise control tolerances
Automatic draining of internal pipe work
Maintenance required alarm
Drain failure system
VAPAWALL® can be used with any quality water. It has also been designed for use with a variety of different energy sources. UV radiation is available as an option.