M2M technologies coupled to the Internet of Things approach generate a growing number of opportunities in various domains: Smart Grids, Smart Cities, Smart Building, Smart Home, Intelligent Transport Systems, Connected Car, e-Health, Environment, and others.
More specifically, through this initiative, Bull will facilitate in a practical way:
· the transformation of Manufacturers business models into Service Providers, which the Industry is experiencing today, from startups to large enterprises,
· the acceleration of business application development by allowing Software Developers to focus on end-user experience, while Bull takes care of the M2M and IT aspects,
· the expansion of the offer portfolio of Services Operators (utilities, insurance and banking services, telecommunication operators, local authorities and others).
The resulting Axiros & Bull joint offering is available "as a service" in the cloud by Bull platform, offering unmatched levels of security and scalable performance in the cloud.
Axiros brings in a portfolio of Open Device & Embedded Application Management, Smart Automation and Quality of Service & Experience. Enterprise customers will thus benefit from the combined expertise and capabilities of Axiros & Bull: state of the art M2M technology efficiently integrated into Enterprise information systems and business processes, within the perspective of enabling and developing new uses at business application level.
Bull brings a unique value in combining all the complex technologies related to M2M projects and requiring tight integration all along the end-to-end value chain: sensors, actuators, gateways, embedded software, wireless local networks, wireless global networks, device management, big data-ready data bases including realtime event processing, service federation and mashup, workflow and business processes, API management, predictive and prescriptive analytics, service store and the endto- end security.
Together, Bull and Axiros offer unmatched capabilities for remote management of connected infrastructures transformed into a real business enabler.
"With the advent of the Internet of Things, industrial vendors need a robust platform with the ability to scale and manage massive amounts of devices and data. They also need a one-stop shopping offering with a System Integrator able to practically manage their business and operational pains. This capability is now available thanks to the Axiros and Bull agreement", said Gunther Klessinger, Axiros Founder & Managing Director Innovation.
"Thanks to the Axiros technology, we offer today major differentiation capabilities to the industry. By creating new services from device-generated data, organizations are now able to transform their activity and create new business models, while reducing their operating costs through business process optimization", said Malo Jennequin, Internet of Everything Business Development Director, Strategic Projects and Global Offers, Bull.