The UK Government is promising to make the country safer from cyber-attacks by establishing a “cyber defence force” and the co-founder of a digital media forensics company thinks it is an excellent idea.
“As the economy of the UK and the world becomes more dependent upon online commerce, the need to keep it safe is more evident than ever,” said Anthony Rushton, CEO of Telemetry.
Details of the highly anticipated Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-UK) will be released on 31 March, 2014. The new group will be operated by the Ministry of Defence, allowing it to draw upon the nation's cyber talent and skills.
The UK's Internet-related commerce is estimated at £82 billion annually and assistance in fighting online crime was desperately needed, said Cabinet Office Minister Francis Maude.
Founded by Rushton and childhood friends Russell Irwin and Beau Ner Chesluk, Telemetry is a digital media forensics company contracted by advertisers and industry leaders to help them understand how to get the best value for their money and by publishers to help differentiate their inventory.
Rushton said whereas online security concerns used to be focused solely on national security, that £82 billion digital market value figure in the UK shows why those concerns must be expanded to private firms and their commerce as well.
However, despite his optimism, Rushton believes that the UK is still far behind the United States digitally.
“Unfortunately, Brit tech simply isn't ‘Hollywood’ enough for Cameron's Government”.
“If it’s an American technology company in London they get the red carpet rolled out into No. 10”.
“Essentially, for Mr. Cameron, technology simply means CyberCrime, and Internet Pornography and 'tax adverse' Multi-nationals - one of which he makes a policy advisor to No. 10”.
Maude said the new agency would work with the private sector to raise awareness of the need for improved online security. They are focusing on developing incentives and structures that will change people's behaviours.
The UK's computer systems are being targeted by activists, terrorists, rogue states and common criminals, Maude said.
Cyber-attacks were reported by 93 percent of large corporations and 76 percent of small businesses in the past year, according to Government statistics.
While giving a first annual update on the country's Cyber Security Strategy, Maude vowed that the UK would become one of most secure countries to conduct online business.
The Government is working with professional and representative bodies to make sure cyber security becomes a primary concern of corporations' governance and risk management, he said.
“This is an excellent first step to get people accustomed to thinking of the bottom line also to think about the front door and how to keep it locked,” Rushton said.
The Government also seeks to train more “cutting-edge” students who then can help fight online crime, Maude said. A pilot programme for a degree course on cybercrime is being offered at piloted at Queens University Belfast, the University of Worcester and De Montfort University.
Maude said the Government is seeking new avenues to lure cyber security specialists who are critically needed. So the Ministry of Defence is developing a “cyber reserve” that the services can draw upon for the wider talent and skills in the country's online industry.