Q Biggest influence?
A Probably my Dad - but more recently
my kids. They really help you to see
things differently.
Q Most valuable lesson learnt?
A Time flies by so don’t shy away from
putting yourself forward for things or
putting off important decisions.
Q One company to watch (other than
your own)?
A Compass EOS. New disruptive
technology that looks to take on Cisco
is always interesting, especially when
Cisco are an investor!
Q A book, a movie or the TV?
A I like all three! Always good to read a
book then watch the film.
Q If you weren’t an IT exec, what would you like to be?
A I’d have loved to be a sportsman of some sort.
Q In charge for the day, what world problem would you address?
A I saw an excellent programme on the stats of population growth and it highlighted some of the major issues and challenges around the gap of wealth in the world. I’d do something to help address this.
Q Shirt and tie or dress down?
A Dress Down
Q Sport - spectator or participator?
A Ideally participator but with two small
children it’s harder to find the time
these days so I am mainly a spectator
Q Your three desert island music choices?
A I’ll be greedy and choose Spotify
Q Guess who’s coming to dinner – your
five guests, (real or fictional characters)?
A Stephen Fry
David Blaine
Mark Zuckerberg
James Bond
Rachel Riley
Q Your hero or heroine from history?
A I love real life stories about overcoming
the odds. There are lots to choose
from around the Second World War and
of personal achievement like Mawsons
Will which was a book I read recently.
Q What’s the point of IT?
A IT is the key enabler for businesses
to flourish. We are starting to refer
to IT as Infrastructure Technology not
just Information Technology.
Q When it comes to energy resources
(for data centres/IT) is the glass half-
empty or half-full?
A Half full. Lots has been done and there
is a lot of innovation in the sector but
with so many legacy sites there is a
massive amount to do still.
Q Pet hates?
A Bad drivers and rudeness. So a rude
bad driver doesn’t make me happy!
Q Where does the time machine take
you and why?
A Skip forward to May when we have
our holiday booked to Florida. A couple
of weeks somewhere hot and my
daughter is so excited about meeting
her favorite Disney characters.
Q Bring Your Own Device or Bring Your
Own Disaster (waiting to happen at
some point in the future)?
A I can’t see there being any major
disasters. If companies have the right
policies and infrastructure in place it
should enable the most effective use of
any device. And people will use what
they feel is best for them.