spotlight ark

Huw Owen CEO of Ark – owner of high security, high integrity data centres

  • 11 years ago Posted in

Q Favourite book?

A The old man and the sea - lean,
masterful writing with soul

Q Favourite food?

A Spicy

Q Favourite film?

A Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid

Q Favourite music?

A Wide ranging - classical, opera, rock
and rap dependant on place, company
& whats occupying me

Q Dream holiday?

A Active and new with family and friends

Q Any pets?

A A slow chocolate Labrador and fast
German Wirehaired Pointer (below)

Q What are your hobbies?

A Ski mountaineering/touring, trail
running, cycling, and hill walking

Q Going out or staying in?

A Like, do and enjoy both why limit
myself to one?

Q Favourite sport and sports

A Rugby. Ritchie McCaw - total

Q Favourite TV programmes?

A 24 and Horizon

Q Favourite comedian?

A Robin Williams

Q Social networking – good or bad?

A Excellent - brings us together and
gives us voice

Q Consumerisation of IT – good or bad?

A Outstanding - drives innovation and

Q Cloud – good or bad?

A Disruptive, innovate and challenging
technology - the fuel of change - good
Q Your job – the good?

A The privilege and duty of leadership

Q Your job – the bad?

A Time and retaining balance but self-
inflicted and mine to align

Q Other than your own, one ICT
company to watch?

A Skyscape - a compelling proposition -
disruptive, positive catalyst for change

Q Favourite business saying/mission

A “Action without thoug ht is a form of
insanity, thought without action a
crime” ....that Albert E had a good
thought or two!

Q The plug – what’s so good about your

A Our Arks…truly resilient data centres
- land, power, cooling, environmentally
responsible, secure, financially strong
and real passionate expertise

Q You finally retire, what next?

A Age disgracefully