Introducing the Information Infrastructure Conference, London

Angel Business Communications along with its long-term partner SNIA Europe have announced their first customer keynote speaker at the Information Infrastructure Conference (IIC) London, now scheduled for 6th June 2013 in Central London.

  • 12 years ago Posted in

Opening the proceedings on the morning of 6th June will be Dirk Duellmann, Storage and Persistency Specialist at CERN. The storage services group in CERN’s IT department, provides storage services and data handling frameworks for the physics community at CERN. Dirk is responsible for the development evolution of CERN’s storage components and high performance disk pools for LHC data analysis. Previously Dirk lead the LCG persistency framework development and the LCG distributed database deployment projects. Before that he worked on object and relational databases in the RD45 and Espresso projects. Dirk joint CERN in 1995 after receiving a PhD in high energy physics from the University of Hamburg.

Other speakers will be announced soon and will include leading suppliers, independent analysts and commentators who will share their own experiences in the field of information infrastructure developments made in order to deliver new services and products in their respective markets.

The IIC has been specifically designed to appeal to those with a strategic focus on delivering information infrastructure services and solutions for their internal and external customers and users and is supported by SNIA Europe and will feature the latest thinking and advice from this leading industry association.

The IIC is aimed at IT professionals, decision makers and influencers who need to understand not just the important elements of today’s Information Infrastructure, but the “big picture” of how to assemble the elements into a cost effective solution that support the latest application delivery services. The conference will focus on information infrastructure as it relates to big data and analytics, cloud services, storage, data management and protection, infrastructure convergence, data centre networking, security and all aspects of IT virtualisation and is designed to educate and inform delegates while giving the opportunity to meet many of the leading suppliers and solutions providers in an open multi-vendor environment.

The IIC sets out to provide an ideal platform for organisations to debate and discuss first-hand with leading suppliers the developments in this field that continue to be the bed-rock of the delivery of new and old application alike. It sets out to appeal to end-users in the public and private sector in medium and large organisations as well as data centre operators, managed services providers and application developers.

Planned agenda topics include:

£ What are the key elements to be aware of when transitioning to
the Cloud?
£ What is the real impact of Virtualisation on infrastructure?
£ How are leading companies profiting from Big Data & Analytics?
£ Long term data retention – what is the future for tape?
£ Vertically integrated systems – are they easier to manage?
£ What to look for when selecting a Managed Services provider?
£ What aspects of your IT infrastructure are key to delivering new
applications and services to your internal customers?

Registration is now open at and is FREE for all users, consultants, distributors and resellers of IT products and services. Employees of IT vendors/manufacturers wishing to attend will be charged an entrance fee of £495 (£295 for members of
SNIA Europe) if your employer is NOT a sponsor of the event. Potential sponsors can contact Carly Stephens at Angel Business Communications on +44(0) 1923 690 223 or