Kroll Ontrack expands DIY data recovery software to include data protection and destruction functionality

Ontrack EasyRecovery 11 empowers users to protect, recover and permanently destroy data, including virtual data.

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Huawei-Intel collaboration

Huawei and Intel have reaffirmed their collaboration and highlighted the incorporation of Intel's innovative hardware virtualization technologies into Huawei's cloud operating system FusionSphere at the 2013 Huawei Cloud Congress (HCC 2013). The collaboration has substantially boosted FusionSphere's reliability, compatibility, and security.

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HP bringt Next-Generation Firewall

- Neue Firewall von HP TippingPoint inspiziert bis zu zehn Gigabit Daten pro Sekunde - Neue Online-Plattform HP Threat Central sammelt IT-Sicherheitsinformationen durch Crowdsourcing

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Verio Europe erweitert Angebot an Top-Level-Domains für europäischen und mobilen Markt

Webhoster Verio Europe hat sein Angebot an Top-Level-Domains um 16 europäische Ländercodes erweitert. Für Internetauftritte, die auf die Nutzung durch mobile Geräte ausgerichtet sind, steht ab sofort .mobi zur Auswahl

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RMS eröffnet eigenes globales Rechenzentrum und schafft gemeinsam mit Verne Global und Datapipe eine umweltfreundliche EDV-Umgebung

Verne Global und Datapipe stellen mit erneuerbarer Energie betriebenes High Performance Computing für eine bahnbrechende Risikomanagement-Umgebung von RMS bereit

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CEA, the French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission has selected Data Direct...
NBC Olympics, a division of the NBC Sports Group, has selected Spectra Logic to provide video...
Six mtu Kinetic PowerPacks installed for uninterrupted power supply of supercomputer facility of...
Nine out of ten organizations reported malicious actors attempted to access data backups during a...
De Goudse, a leading Dutch provider of a wide range of financial products and insurance, uses...
Spectra® TFinity® library said to become the world’s largest tape storage system as it breaks...
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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