Arrow Electronics ist neuer EMEA-Distributor für Quantum  -  Erweiterung des Vertriebsnetzes dient der Wachstumsstrategie in der Region

Quantum forciert die Wachstumsstrategie in der EMEA-Region: Arrow Electronics ist ab sofort Distributor von Quantum Datensicherungs- und Big Data-Lösungen, inklusive Cloud- und Virtualisierungsprodukten. 

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HP bietet Social CRM als BPO-Dienstleistung Neue Services integrieren Social-Media-Monitoring, -Betreuung und -Optimierung in bestehende CRM-Prozesse

HP unterstützt Kunden jetzt mit neuen Business-Process-Outsourcing-Dienstleistungen (BPO) für das Customer Relationship Management (CRM) per Social Media. Als technische Grundlage dienen HPs Mehrkanal-Analyse-Technologie "HP Explore" und der HP Intelligent Data Operating Layer (IDOL, früher: Autonomy IDOL) für die Auswertung unstrukturierter Daten.

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ZTE provides turnkey project for the Jazztel National Broadband FTTH Network in Spain

ZTE and Jazztel have announced that Jazztel’s national high-speed broadband fibre to the home (FTTH) network deployment is progressing satisfactorily and has begun commercial operation.

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Polystar extends use of Infobright

Polystar, a leading supplier of service assurance, network monitoring and test solutions for the telecom market, has extended their use of Infobright(R) Enterprise Edition (IEE) to power big data analytics for improved customer insight management. Embedded into the Jupiter visualization application suite, which captures billions of records per minute, IEE provides network and mobile operators with real-time data access and investigative analytics for powerful insight into subscriber base...

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Surge in SQL injection

Traditionally a technique of the most talented hackers, automated SQL attack tools are putting enterprises at greater risk of data breach.

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Six of the ten largest global pharmaceutical companies have purchased Tintri systems.
Hitachi Vantara has introduced new enhancements and capabilities to its hyperconverged...
Acquiring new customers amidst growing competition and dealing with sophisticated security threats...
A new form of magnetic interaction which pushes a formerly two-dimensional phenomenon into the...
More than 60 per cent (62%) of companies surveyed in the UK and Germany say that they either...
DigitalOcean introduces the next evolution of Backups to help prevent data disruption and protect...
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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