Software-Defined Networking und Ethernet Fabrics ein unschlagbares Team

Unternehmen und Serviceprovider sind heute zunehmend global, dezentralisiert und virtualisiert. Um ihr Potenzial voll auszuschöpfen, müssen sie die Grenzen ihrer Netzwerke, die in ihrer Gestaltung oft monolithisch und unflexibel sind, überwinden. Derartige Netzwerke sind geschlossene, starre Infrastrukturen, die nur eingeschränkte Möglichkeiten bieten und umfangreiche, manuelle Anpassungen erfordern. Eine neue Art von Netzwerk muss her: Eines, das für die Cloud...

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Klassische Backups sind am Ende warum ein radikales Umdenken erforderlich ist

Die Datensicherung in Großunternehmen verläuft vielfach in geregelten Bahnen. Für Speichernetzwerke mit performanten Festplatten-Subsystemen stehen ausreichende finanzielle Mittel zur Verfügung. Außerdem werden Backups und Disaster Recovery durch eine leistungsstarke, mehrschichtige Systemarchitektur gestützt. Und sollte der Speicherplatz einmal knapp werden, ist die notwendige Erweiterung nur eine Formsache. Unternehmen, die besonders vorausschauend denken,...

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Cisco expands Virtualisation offerings for service providers

Cisco has expanded its virtualization offerings for service providers with the introduction of the Cisco® Evolved Services Platform (ESP), a key element of the company’s Cisco Open Network Environment (ONE) strategy, which works in conjunction with the infrastructure layer of the architecture.

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Research shows ‘Content Intelligence’ is the major Big Data hurdle facing large organisations

MindMetre study reveals that, as more unstructured information than ever is being generated, drilling down into that content is seen as the key to gaining a competitive edge.

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Osiris Trading selects Dot Hill

Osiris Trading, a leading e–Commerce and online marketing solutions provider, has selected Dot Hill's AssuredSANTM Pro 5000 Series hybrid array with RealStorTM real-time autonomic tiering to support their managed services and hosting infrastructure.

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Looming mainframe skills shortage

Compuware Corporation has announced the results of an independent global CIO survey investigating the use of the mainframe within the enterprise.

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Collaboration with Dell Technologies provides customers with increased efficiency, security and...
ARTESCA supports application owners and DevOps with 'fast, easy' deployment anywhere and multicloud...
PeerIQ offers IT Ops teams a self-hosted, single source of analytics for monitoring the health and...
New research by Databarracks has revealed that 15% of organisations are still using a combination...
StorCentric has introduced its Data Mobility Suite (DMS), the first StorCentric branded software...
Businesses are more aware than ever of how cybercrime could impact their reputation, and their...
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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