Netzwerk- und Sicherheitslösungen virtualisieren

Mit Fast Lane sicher in die Cloud: Neues Training „VMware vCloud Networking and Security for vSphere Professionals” 

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Professionelle Datenlöschung - in Zeiten von PRISM wichtiger denn je

Wie sieht ein professionelles Datenlöschmanagement in Zeiten weltweit wachsender Datenmengen aus? Diese und weitere Fragen beantwortet Blancco vom 8. bis 10. Oktober auf der it-sa, Messe und Kongress für IT-Security in Nürnberg.  Der gesetzeskonforme und sichere Umgang mit Kunden- und Unternehmensdaten wird immer wichtiger, wie aktuelle Skandale und PRISM zeigen

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VMware unveils next-generation products and services

Addressing the needs of organizations to simplify IT, VMware, Inc. has announced a wave of new products and services designed to help IT accelerate their adoption of a software-defined data center architecture and take advantage of the value of advanced virtualization in areas such as networking and security, storage and availability, and management and automation. The news was unveiled at the company's 10th annual VMworld® in San Francisco, where more than 22,000 attendees saw...

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One of the UK’s largest education colleges, Kirklees College in Yorkshire, continues to use...
The annual report examines current and future trends in storage technologies for the long-term...
A new global report from McAfee reveals the price that Brits place on their digital assets,...
Cristie Data has implemented a data backup and data storage solution at Archway School, a...
Latest SolarWinds® Virtualisation Manager offers IT Pros surprisingly affordable,...
Searching data could hold key to improved customer service, say 84% of IT managers.
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Drillinginfo Streamlines Data Management with IBM Storage

Drillinginfo consolidates and increases efficiency of their storage platform utilizing IBM Spectrum Virtualize and Scale.

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