Infortrend präsentiert 60-fache Storage-Systeme der Serie EonStor DS 3000 in 4HE-Ausführung - LFF-RAID-Lösung mit hoher Speicherdichte und hoher Speicherkapazität bietet Unternehmen hohe Performance, langfristige Zuverläs

Infortrend gab heute die Einführung der EonStor DS 3060-Produkte bekannt, die hohe Speicherdichte mit 60 Einbauplätzen in 4HE-Bauweise bieten. Diese neuen Spitzensysteme sind im Hinblick auf Größe und Kapazität die größten Storage-Systeme in der EonStor DS 3000-Serie und richten sich an Unternehmen, die konsolidierten RAID-Speicher mit hoher Speicherdichte, hoher Performance, hoher Verfügbarkeit und einfacher Bedienung benötigen

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QLogic FlexSuite technology provides 16Gb Gen 5 Fibre Channel and 10Gb iSCSI connectivity for Dot Hill

QLogic says that its award-winning FlexSuite™ dual-personality technology is providing the converged interface for Dot Hill’sninth-generation storage architecture. The new platform provides Dot Hill’s OEM customers and channel partners with the industry’s first midrange 16Gb Gen 5 Fibre Channel/10Gb iSCSI converged networking storage systems. Products based on the new Dot Hill architecture are now shipping worldwide through a tier-one OEM.

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KPMG LLP and ServiceNow have announced the results of a joint survey, shedding light on how IT...
DataCore's President & CEO, George Teixeira has put pen to paper and delivered four data...
By Dave Wright, CEO, SolidFire.
How Nutanix enabled JM Finn to work remotely in a week.
78% of UK organisations are not confident that they can fully recover after a disruption.
OCF, the high-performance compute (HPC), storage, cloud and AI integrator, has partnered with RONIN...
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Three benefits of a converged infrastructure

ISG looked at the benefits of converged infrastructures, which combine data center components into centrally managed systems. NFLEX is a pre-configured converged infrastructure solution by NetApp and Fujitsu supporting all three ISG requirements.

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