Hitachi Data Systems opens European Distribution Centre in The Netherlands

Hitachi Data Systems Corporation has announced the opening of its new European Distribution Centre (EDC) in Zaltbommel, The Netherlands. The new building was unveiled today by Jack Domme, CEO, Hitachi Data Systems, and Dutch government officials. It will distribute hundreds of innovative Hitachi solutions across Europe each day, including flagship products such as Hitachi Unified Storage VM, Hitachi Content Platform, and Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform.

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CloudSigma 2.0 features Private Patching to Public Cloud

CloudSigma has announced the launch of CloudSigma 2.0, a next-generation public cloud that enables seamless, high-performance hybrid environments. CloudSigma’s cloud breaks new ground on interoperability and performance, with new features including:

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Infortrend und Emulex präsentieren Lösung für 16G Fibre-Channel Storage-Umgebungen - Infortrends 16G Fibre-Channel Storage-Systeme optimiert für den Einsatz mit Emulex 16G FC-HBAs

Infortrend und Emulex geben bekannt, dass die 16G Fibre-Channel (FC) "RAID-Storage"-Produkte von Infortrend und die LightPulse® 16G FC-Host-Bus-Adapter (HBA) von Emulex vollständig kompatibel zueinander sind. Anwender können so die Vorteile der Bandbreite und Geschwindigkeit von 16G Fibre-Channel Infrastrukturen in vollem Umfang ausnutzen

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Yamaha Motor France setzt auf Deduplizierungs-Expertise von Quantum - DXi4601 Deduplizierungsappliance sorgt für mehr Datensicherheit und Flexibilität in französischer Vertriebsniederlassung

Yamaha Motor France setzt auf die Datendeduplizierungs-Technologie von Quantum, um die Speicherdauer seiner Backups zu verlängern und die Flexibilität zu erhöhen. Die Quantum-Technologie wird in Partnerschaft mit APX Intégration angeboten, dem französischen Spezialisten für Infrastrukturintegration im IT-Bereich

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Appoints new CEO Vadim Comanescu and Rick Dudson as VP of Sales.
The Panasas PanFS® software suite expands with visibility and mobility products by Atempo.
Datrium has been awarded five new US patents for data resiliency and durability; enhanced storage...
ZSL reduces costs with infrastructure refresh in collaboration with S3 Consulting.
Druva has introduced Druva Rollback Actions, allowing customers to easily and quickly roll back...
Peptone, the molecular computational physics company focused on protein drug discovery and...
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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