Arbeitgeber unterschätzen Sicherheitsrisiken durch Homeoffice

Iron Mountain-Studie: 60 Prozent der deutschen Mitarbeiter senden und empfangen Geschäfts-E-Mails über ihren privaten Account

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adesso wird Gold-Partner von hybris

Der IT-Dienstleister adesso AG ist Gold-Partner des SAP-Unternehmens und weltweit schnellst wachsenden Anbieters für E-Commerce-Technologie hybris

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WatchGuard XCS 880 increases content security performance by 20 percent

New hardware doubles email throughput while reducing power consumption by more than half.

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AlienVault finds only two percent of companies would publicly report a security breach

A survey of 300 information security professionals in Europe finds companies unwilling to make data breaches.

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Professionelle Datenlöschung - in Zeiten von PRISM wichtiger denn je

Wie sieht ein professionelles Datenlöschmanagement in Zeiten weltweit wachsender Datenmengen aus? Diese und weitere Fragen beantwortet Blancco vom 8. bis 10. Oktober auf der it-sa, Messe und Kongress für IT-Security in Nürnberg.  Der gesetzeskonforme und sichere Umgang mit Kunden- und Unternehmensdaten wird immer wichtiger, wie aktuelle Skandale und PRISM zeigen

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Panzura has launched a new comprehensive data management solution for customers that work in...
Third party data breaches increase two-fold in a year to over 20%.
BitDam adds an important layer of protection for Scotland’s largest independent dairy.
Egress has launched its third Phishing Threat Trends Report 2024, detailing key trends, new data,...
The majority (64%) of customers trust companies with their personal information. However,...
NTT Security, the specialised security company for NTT Group, has warned that organisations...
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Case Study: @nifty Delivering IT Security to Their Customers with Kaspersky

NIFTY Corporation is one of the leading Telecoms and Internet Service Providers in Japan, supplying high-speed broadband connectivity to more than 1.39 million broadband users. Providing robust security for the many subscribers to its online services is very important because repeated security breaches or loss of service may result in customers suffering damage or losses - and ultimately leaving NIFTY and moving to competitors' services.

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