Seattle Proton Therapy Keeps Patient Data Safe and Available

Seattle Proton Therapy turned to Dell EMC Data Protection to solve an immediate capacity need for backing up their patients’ medical records while complying with government regulations like HIPAA. They found the Dell EMC IDPA DP4400 appliance easy to deploy, with a minimal learning curve for their admins. With excellent deduplication, they continue to save space, and they’ve reduced the time to access crucial data from 1 to 2 weeks to a matter of minutes.

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The Annie E. Casey Foundation Success Story: Powerful PAM in the Cloud

“The cloud cost was less than having it on-prem. We reduced our servers by 85%. We don’t have to patch the servers or worry about a breach.”

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Cybersecurity Insights: John Pescatore

At the "Cybersecurity Insights: Security in the Digital Era" event, John Pescatore, Director at SANS Institute, discusses how infrastructure and security have always been linked, but not particularly successful. Why has it failed and what must happen now?

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Why you should care more about your email security?

Email is the number one threat vector for delivery of malware into organizations. Stephen Dane, Managing Director, Cybersecurity, APJC, Cisco, explores the current state of the challenges that security practitioners face, and what CISOs can do to reduce the risk that email threats pose.

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Bring on the future — Eugene Kaspersky talks about the recent re-branding

The company founder explains the main changes behind Kaspersky’s new brand, and also talks about why now is the right time to do it.

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Cisco Stealthwatch - network and cloud threat detection

It should be: With today's attack landscape, continuous threat detection and monitoring is a must-have, not an option. See how Stealthwatch can help by analyzing your entire network traffic, on-premises or in the cloud. It reduces massive data sets to high-fidelity alarms using behavioral modeling, machine learning and Talos threat intelligence.

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Dan Middleton, Vice President UK & Ireland, Veeam, discusses the company’s recent 2023 Ransomware...
Guido Grillenmeier, Principal Technologist EMEA at identity security pioneer, Semperis, discusses...
David Lewis joins us to discuss some of the the findings of the CISO Benchmark Study, and how his...
In the final part of a three part interview, Ian Vickers, CEO of METCloud outlines the many...
Protecting every employee on every device, everywhere is tough. We help protect your data in...
DW talks to Gorka Sadowski, Chief Strategy Officer at Exabeam, about the recent launch of the XDR...
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Case Study: @nifty Delivering IT Security to Their Customers with Kaspersky

NIFTY Corporation is one of the leading Telecoms and Internet Service Providers in Japan, supplying high-speed broadband connectivity to more than 1.39 million broadband users. Providing robust security for the many subscribers to its online services is very important because repeated security breaches or loss of service may result in customers suffering damage or losses - and ultimately leaving NIFTY and moving to competitors' services.

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