Vectra Networks expands into EMEA

Vectra Networks has completed its initial European business expansion following 12 months of accelerated sales growth and adoption of its innovative Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) solution. Vectra has established a dedicated European presence, with a local headquarters based in Pfaffikon, Switzerland, a logistics hub in Amsterdam and a dedicated European leadership team.

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It’s not just what’s on the outside that counts

Chris Marrison, consulting solutions architect at Infoblox, discusses the importance of checking inside the network for security threats as well as looking out for those trying to get in.

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Trustwave unveils Cloud-based secure mobility platform

Trustwave has launched a new cloud-based security platform to help businesses proactively protect and defend their fleets of mobile devices. The new Trustwave Secure Mobility Platform helps businesses quickly discover and address security weaknesses and maintain compliance—bolstering security in an era when businesses are increasingly using mobile devices including smartphones, tablets and mobile point-of-sale devices as business-critical, customer-facing tools.

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F-Secure’s attack landscape update highlights attackers’ strategies to capitalize on the...
Neustar now has the largest, most distributed and technically advanced DDoS mitigation capacity...
Report reveals 68% of organizations that fell victim to an intrusion experienced an additional...
Seven start-ups, focusing on online security issues and threats, will join the new GCHQ Cyber...
New research from T-Systems into cyber security behaviour and awareness has found that Generation...
Global market report reveals struggle to protect the explosion of Office 365 data.
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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