Optimising fibre optic networks through advanced GIS

By Jean-François Allard, director, EMEA Utilities & Communications, Hexagon’s Safety, Infrastructure & Geospatial division.

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Big data, big energy consumption? Each photo we post on social media or email we send is saved into servers that are stored in physical data centres around the world. This process consumes a significant amount of energy, raising sustainability issues in the data centre industry. To help overcome this challenge, Marcin Bala, CTO of telecommunications networks specialist Salumanus Ltd, explains how to create a more sustainable data centre infrastructure.

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The hidden cost of data Zero-carbon cooling systems revolutionise data centre energy efficiency. Data underpins every aspect of modern life, with more information generated now than ever before. Keeping data centres cool is crucial for their safe and effective function, but due to the large amounts of waste heat they generate, this requires significant power consumption. To tackle this issue, Glasgow-based green energy pioneer, Katrick Technologies, has developed and patented a unique...

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Is your lighting compromising your data security?

If you’re in the business of data, you’ll know that it’s a valuable asset that must be protected. You’ll also be acutely aware that wherever there is data, there is risk, and not just to your data. Physical security – the protection of people, property and assets should also be considered for their potential vulnerabilities. By Steve Mansell, Divisional Director Critical Facilities, Zumtobel Group

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The role of containment in mission-critical edge deployments

Today, edge data centers need to provide a highly efficient, resilient, dynamic, scalable and sustainable environment for critical IT applications. At Subzero Engineering, we believe containment has a vital role to play in addressing these requirements. By Gordon Johnson, Senior CFD Engineer at Subzero Engineering

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Creating a greener and digitalised world with sustainable fibre optic networks

Designing fibre solutions and optimising supply chain processes with the environment in mind will have a huge impact. By Alain Bertaina, Business Development and Product Strategy Director Telecom Business at Prysmian Group

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Australian fish farm undergoes IT upgrade by investing in edge infrastructure

Australian fism farming company Tassal looked at harnessing IT to make its business of growing salmon more sustainable and cost-effective. It invested in an integrated IT solution powered by Vertiv and Dell EMC for its business in Tasmania.

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