Nlyte Software completes integration across leading virtualization platforms

Nlyte Software has expanded its management of the virtualized data center with the introduction of connectors for Microsoft’s Hyper-V and Citrix’s XenServer virtualization platforms. In addition to its popular Nlyte Virtualization Connector for VMware vCenter Server, the family of connectors now completes Nlyte’s ability to interact with all major virtualization deployments found worldwide. These out-of-the-box connectors allow Nlyte customers to coordinate their visibility of...

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Neue End-to-End-Datacenter-Lösungen von Dell bieten mehr Leistung und einfachere Verwaltung

Dell hat neue Datacenter-Lösungen vorgestellt. Sie zielen darauf ab, das Zusammenwachsen von Servern und Storagesystemen voranzutreiben, die Antwortzeiten von Applikationen zu verkürzen und die Systemverwaltung zu vereinfachen. Unternehmen sind damit in der Lage, den Nutzen ihrer IT-Investitionen zu maximieren und ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu verbessern

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INFOnline setzt mit Sicherheit auf Interxion

Ausgeprägte Sicherheit, flexibler Zutritt und Zertifikate überzeugen Anbieter von Internet Audience Measurement

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Concurrent Thinking secures £800,000 investment

The cost effectiveness of data centres can now be maximised with the Data Centre Infrastructure Management (DCIM) solution developed by Concurrent Thinking Limited.

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Uptime Institute, the global digital infrastructure authority, has completed its acquisition of...
The new ASD+ range from Siemens brings a number of advantages to the aspirating smoke detection...
In September 2024, the UK government designated data infrastructure, including data centres, as...
Siemon, ein international führender Anbieter von Netzwerkinfrastrukturlösungen, bringt...
Lithium-ion batteries have continued to become a popular choice in edge computing and larger data...
Partnership with DCA demonstrates Streamwire’s dedication to improving sustainability and...
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Australian fish farm undergoes IT upgrade by investing in edge infrastructure

Australian fism farming company Tassal looked at harnessing IT to make its business of growing salmon more sustainable and cost-effective. It invested in an integrated IT solution powered by Vertiv and Dell EMC for its business in Tasmania.

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