When every Government around the world is as much a possible enemy as any cyber-criminal or arch business competitor, keeping cloud services and data secure is still a function of maintaining the basics – good (non-public key) encryption, good user authentication and a proper risk assessment of the data itself
Read MoreAnd first out of the block is CTO Tim Keanini of security intelligence specialist, Lancope, whose New Year predictions suggest that security intelligence will become a core part of business intelligence and management as threat modes get more cunning and scary.
Read MoreUsing analytics tools can help users identify slack or malicious user behaviour, integrate phishing information into risk assessment and prioritise vulnerabilities in cloud, on-premise and mobile environments
Read MoreDelaware-based MSP, MySherpa is finding that the cloud-delivered security OpenDNS Umbrella service saves both the time of cleaning out malware and the cost of running and maintaining dedicated on-premise security appliances
Read MoreNew service aims to help users answer the `how to’ questions of moving business operations to the cloud, and then host those answers in operation
Read MoreEuropäischer Pflichttermin für Storage, Virtualisierung, Big Data und Rechenzentrumstechnologien
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