Actian launches Cloud Integration and Big Data Analytics platforms

Actian Corporation announces its plans to leverage the assets from its recent acquisitions of ParAccel, Pervasive Software and Versant Corporation by offering two new platforms, the Actian DataCloud and ParAccel Big Data Analytics Platforms, to tackle the challenges of the Age of Data.

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LANDesk expands user-oriented IT vision

LANDesk Software Solution Version 9.5 SP1 expands cross-platform management and protection, mobile device and software asset management, and adds significant remote management improvements, and includes many user management capabilities.

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UK Mid-sized firms must get cloudy

A Cordys-sponsored survey by Cebr suggests that UK mid-sized businesses’ reluctance to get aboard the cloud bandwagon is leading to worse productivity than UK-based large enterprises, but also their contemporaries in mainland Europe

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Fujitsu declares ‘comprehensive, global, trusted’ Cloud strategy

Fujitsu delivers the choice and integration support services that organisations need to keep pace with change, innovate their businesses and navigate cloud complexity. Leveraging its ICT heritage and international presence, Fujitsu declares a global strategy and strengthens every aspect of its end-to-end portfolio of services and solutions for cloud. The company also introduces the concept of Cloud Integration, new offerings, and harmonised naming conventions.

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Öffentlich zugängliche Webseiten für Big Data erschließen von Mark Little, Vice President Middleware Engineering bei Red Hat in London und Tom Llewellyn, Business Development Manager Storage bei Red H

Mark Little, Vice President Middleware Engineering bei Red Hat, und Tom Llewellyn, Business Development Manager Storage bei Red Hat, erläutern den Beitrag von Red Hat beim Aufbau einer hochskalierbaren Architektur für Datendienste (EU LEADS Initiative). Unternehmen können damit die öffentlich im Web zugänglichen und ihre intern vorhandenen Daten miteinander kombinieren, analysieren und bessere Geschäftsentscheidungen treffen

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PingOne Services provide multi-factor authentication and real-time threat detection for stronger...
Liberty Lake Cloud has introduced its new Vega Cloud Management Platform­ that is designed to help...
The National Television Awards chooses Hyve to host its website handling millions of public votes.
Versa Networks has made severalVersa SASE services available on Versa Titan, the solution designed...
The first cloud computing company to expand its Cloud GPU infrastructure with one of the most...
City of Lubbock Utilities selects Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service to modernize operations...
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Solve 2015: London - Andy Williams, Rackspace

Solve London - How Great Support Matters in a SaaS World.

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