According to a report from analysts at Canalys, the worldwide smart speaker market grew by 187 per cent in the second quarter of 2018. Collectively, Apple, Google, Xiaomi, Amazon, and others shipped 16.8 million units, up from nine million in the first quarter. According to Canalys, there will be more than 200 million by the end of this year, while Juniper Research predicts that there will be 8 billion digital voice assistants by 2023. That’s more than one for every person on the planet. By...
Read MoreEvery industry, and every company, is transforming itself with software to deliver new, improved digital services that capture new markets and reduce operational costs. By Michael Allen, VP and EMEA CTO, Dynatrace.
Read MoreOne of the key critical factors to the success of an enterprise is ensuring that data science, machine learning, automation, and AI are in-sync across all teams and industries. However, this also requires deep-rooted change, particularly at the tactical and managerial levels. So, what can companies do to cope and maximise on new technologies? By Florian Douetteau, CEO and Founder at Dataiku.
Read MoreSix UK-Japan projects to investigate multiple, uncertain and wide-ranging effects of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on people’s lives.
Read MoreAn average IT team spends 15% of its total time trying to sort through monitoring alerts as the gap between IT resources, cloud scale and complexity widens.
Read MoreAVEVA has revealed global survey findings identifying the key investment drivers for digital transformation. The survey was conducted with 1,240 decision makers in ten countries in EMEA, North America and APAC across nine industry verticals.
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